PGH Networks

Credential Harvesting

What Is Credential Harvesting?

Getting the first access is the first stage in every cyberattack. The use of stolen credentials, the username and password combination used by authorized users to access secure systems and data, is another popular and efficient way to get past a company’s defenses. 

Cybercriminals are increasingly able to collect usernames and passwords in bulk using email phishing assaults and other flaws, known as credential harvesting attacks. The credentials could be used by the attacker for their own exploits, sold on the dark web, or both. People frequently use the same passwords across platforms, websites, and systems, so the bad guys can use these credentials to break into numerous businesses and spread them throughout their networks.

Two of the most effective techniques to prevent credential harvesting are email security safeguards and employee awareness training. The ability to stop attackers and their malicious emails before they can steal credentials and do harm is provided by security companies like PGH Networks. 

How Credential Harvesting Works

How to Prevent Credential Harvesting Attacks

Using a layered strategy, organizations can defend themselves against this complex threat:

  • Credential harvesters take advantage of a vulnerability in the human factor. Employees could accidentally click a link and input their username and password on a shady website, or trustworthy partners could unintentionally put malware on your network that steals credentials. Therefore, user behavior training and awareness campaigns are essential. Employers will be able to assess staff readiness using de-weaponized simulations of actual attacks thanks to innovative programs.
  • Threat actors may use insiders as a means of accessing credential databases. Protection against hostile, compromised, or even irresponsible insiders can be automated by an insider threat software.
  • Fortifying this digital communication channel is crucial since credential harvesting attacks are frequently launched via email (using malicious links and attachments or VIP impersonation, for example).

The Conclusion

Although credential harvesting poses a serious concern, there are steps any business may do to reduce the risks involved. Contact PGH Networks today to learn how we can help you!