PGH Networks


4 Ways to Look Completely Unprofessional

As human beings, we consciously notice things that make us seem unkempt, unwise, or unsanitary. In other words, we actively have a tendency to notice things that appear unprofessional. There are things we do every day that we look back on and regret. Or, at the very least, wish we would have done a little differently …

What Can the IoT Give You?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is real, it’s growing, and most consumers interact with it on a daily basis. Think of all the data collected from consumers, companies, and devices. Now imagine all of that data being connected in a network of information, an ecosystem of devices that talk to you, each other and the world around them …

Tips to Keep Your Business Socially Smart

When it comes to social media, the majority of small to medium-sized businesses are doing it all wrong. Either they spend way too much time on it or no time on it at all.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can be a key player on social media without devoting large portions of your daily routine to it. And this is important for two major reasons:

You can’t not be social. If you won’t be, then your competition sure as heck will be.

How to Remember to Use All Those Apps You Download

Many people see smartphone apps as the end-all be-all of their productivitychallenges.

If I download this app and that app, maybe I’ll finally get my to-do list sorted out. Maybe I’ll even look at it after I create it. Wouldn’t that be something?

But, unfortunately, most of us go about this the wrong way: downloading the wrong apps and organizing them the wrong way. So to help you be more productive, let’s address the elephant in the room.

Are Your Employees Equipped to Protect Your Network?

Bad news. Many businesses fail to realize that network security is about more than just protecting your digital realm through outlets like advanced software and a dedicated IT company. Nowadays, protecting your network resides with your human capital as well.

3 Tips from Neil Patel’s Hustle

Dreams. We all have them, but few of us are making the moves necessary to discard unhealthy habits, and start building the momentum necessary to build a truly meaningful career.

Self-made digital marketing guru Neil Patel illustrates this point by citing the following Gallup poll stat in his book Hustle: The Power to Charge Your Life with Money, Meaning, and Momentum: nearly 90% of workers feel emotionally disconnected from their jobs.

What Social Media Outlets Should Your Business Be On?

Not every social media platform is created equal, and for good reason. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, and is tailored for different things. The impulsive decision is to join each and every social media outlet to foster brand awareness and get client involvement, but in reality, your business doesn’t need to use every social platform out there. Quality over quantity, friends.

What is Wireless Charging and When Can I Have it?

We all want the latest and greatest when it comes to technology, and wireless charging is no different. How amazing would it be to just plop your phone on a specific spot on your desk or nightstand and have the battery go from that hideous red to beautiful green? Ideal world, right?

We aren’t entirely there yet, but the technology is being developed. Surprisingly enough, the idea started in 1899—no, that is NOT a typo—with none other than Nikola Tesla, that genius. He believed that one day, power would be transferred around the planet without a need for cables or cords, and he’s not far off. It took over 100 years, but his lofty idea has finally been realized.

10 Rules to Boost Productivity

You’re at work. This morning all you could think about was food and howmuch coffee a human can drink before overdosing. Now, it’s afternoon and all you can focus on is how comfortable your bed is and what you’d do for a nap. It’s not that you want to be unproductive, but you just can’t get your big brain to get itself together enough to work.

Time to boost that productivity and go home having actually accomplished the majority of your work goals for that day. Take some baby steps, follow these 10 rules, and watch yourself go from longing for 5:00 to losing track of time because you’re so focused.

3 Tips to Improve Your Digital Etiquette

Welcome to 2017, where the digitization of the workforce is common practice. It’s more likely you’ll receive an email to a video conference meeting than a phone call telling you to meet everyone at a physical location. And that isn’t a bad thing. Productivity and collaboration are increasing in office spaces due to the level of simplicity digital work provides.